R10 Web controller software


Advance datalogging / reporting and configuration

Remote indicator
When a R10 is connected through wifi or ethernet it is easy to control the scale remotely with this software. The connection can be wireless, on the internal network or over the internet. Any device with a suitable webbrowser is able to show the indicator.

The use of modern web design makes the interface attractive for several screen sizes. The web application scales itself to the available screen size.

Data logging
When a weight is printed on the indicator or through the button in the webbrowser a record is stored in the database of the webserver. The data is stored in a SQLite database for further use.

Query / traceability
The web controller has a special mode for tracing back weighings.
Selections can be based on station number, dates, times and
product / preset data.

Selections of queries can be shown in graphs to line and barographs to display the number of items

  • Extension possibilities for optimal usage
  • - Connect to a R10 indicator with mobile phone, tablets and PC
    - Easy configuration of scale parameters
    - Advanced logging and connection to printers
    - View of the current weight on the wifi network
    - password protected