R50 Catchlabel software system
Control your catches.
The catchlabel system is for on-board fish handling and offers efficient and user friendly controls for the grading, batching, labelling, packing and freezing processes.
The software manages trips and hauls and provides a comprehensive overview of the catches. Additional hardware connections to e.g. GPS, make the system even more streamlined, allowing seamless data sharing between offshore and onshore systems.
Regulation compliance
The R50 catchlabel system with motion compensated marine scale is especially designed for fresh fish or factory ships that have to comply with modern regulations on fishing control and traceability.
The efficient on-board solution offers a competitive advantage by keeping track of the catch from the moment its registered on the weighing terminal. A Network connection makes it possible to view the catches in realtime in the steering house or with remote connection to the shore.
The R50 catchlabel system is for registration of fishing information at sea. It uses a hardware and software solution for registering information about all fish species and grades, harbour, fishing gear and other information relevant for either management reports and/or labelling. The basic system comprises a scale, an touchscreen PC with catchlabel software, a label printer and supports up to six packing stations.
• Integrated with marinescales
• Fast response for registering weight < 1sec.
• Manual and automatic tare
• Grading (up to 14 grades)
• Multiple label options settings
• Preset screen for fast selecting products
• Over/Ok/Under-display
• Easy to use touchscreen interface
• Full traceability
• Legal for trade with R10 marine scales
• Prepacking
• Advanced graphs
• Dry-loss calculations
• Barcode scanner
• Traceability of weighing and catches
• Enhanced reports of the catches
• XML/CSV export of data in realtime
• Runs on Windows 10